Fortuna Leipzig startet die Blitz Grand Prix heute Abend.Gespielt wird
wie immer in Karinas Treff. Spielstart um 19 Uhr.Karl-Heinz Lehmann (links)
gewann in 2015.
Tata Steel: Magnus leads alone
World Champion Magnus Carlsen (left) played a solid draw as black
against GM Sergey Karjakin in the 8th round of the Tata Steel tournament
in Netherland. Magnus now leads alone with 5,5 points as GM Fabiano
Caruana lost to GM David Navara.Caruana follows on 5 points and
So, Liren Ding and Giri have 4,5 points. Read more on ChessBase.
Today is rest day in Wijk aan Zee.The 9th round will be played tomorrow.
Magnus has white against Adams and Caruana has white against Karjakin.
The games start at.1.30 p.m.Follow the games live on ChessBomb.
Photo:Alina L’Ami
Urkedal vant Grensesjakken
IM Frode Urkedal (t.h.) vant Grensesjakken NGP i svenske
Charlottenberg.Urkedal scoret 5,5 poeng på de 7 rundene og hadde
bedre kvalitet enn IM Nicolai Getz, GM Leif E.Johannessen og Vegar
Koi Gandrud. Vidar Andressen fra Stjernen vant B-gruppen med 6 av 7.
Moss: Tredelt ledelse i klubbmesterskapet
Lars Onstad (t.v.) har fått en god start på klubbmesterskapet i Moss.
Etter seieren mot Tobias Lang Nilsen i 2.runde har Lars 2 poeng. Det samme
har Svein Rishovd og Paul Johansen som slo henholdsvis Simen Berge
og Geir Meum Olsen i torsdagens runde.
Tata Steel: Magnus beat Eljanov
Yesterday was yet another interesting day in the Tata Steel tournament.
World Champion Magnus Carlsen continues his streak of wins. In the
7th round his opponent GM Pavel Eljanov played the Catalan defence,and
Magnus played aggressive in the opening and offered the b-pawn with
14.-b5?!. Eljanov refused the offered pawn and played 15.e4?! after which
Magnus gradually took over. Eljanov later offered a piece, but Magnus had
good control and won in fine style. Magnus is still in shared lead as Caruana
beat Ding in the top game of the round. Both players now have 5 points.
So, Giri and Liren Ding have 4 points.Read more about it at ChessBase.
In the 8th round today Magnus has black against Karjakin and Caruana
has black against Navara. Follow the 8th round live at ChessBomb from
1.30 p.m. today.
Photo:Alina L’Ami
Søndagsnøtta.Jakimenko-Karasew, St.Petersburg
2015. Svart trekker og vinner. Løsningen kommer
Simen vant NTG-hurtig
GM Simen Agdestein vant NTG eye q GP Januar 2016. Storfavoritten
fra OSS vant alle sine 7 partier.Avgjørelsen var falt allerede etter 4.runde da
Simen hadde slått IM Timofey Galinsky, FM Roar Elseth og FM Sebastian
Mihajlov.Galinsky kom nærmest Simen med 5,5 poeng mens Elseth knep
3.plass med 4,5 poeng.
Løsningen på lørdagsnøtta
Her er løsningen på lørdagsnøtta.P.Jaracz-M.Cornette:1.-Txh2!
2.Kxh2 Dh6+ 3.Kg1 Sf3+ 4.Kf1 Dh1+ 5.Ke2 Sg1+ 6.Kd3 Tb3+.0-1.
Sarpsborg: Tredelt ledelse
Øyvind Bentsen (t.v.) er en av tre spillere som innledet klubbmesterskapet
i Sarpsborg med to pinner første spillekveld. Også Shemsi Rukovci og
Sigmund Lunde har full pott.
Tata Steel: Magnus beats Tomashevsky
World Champion Magnus Carlsen (right) beat GM Evgeny Tomashevsky
with the white pieces in the 6th round of the Tata Steel tournament. Magnus
played the London System and got a fine edge on the clock and later on
the board.As Magnus invaded on the 7th rank with his rook it was over.
As Caruana and Ding played draws, Magnus is now in shared lead with
the two mentioned players. The trio have 4 Points after the 6th round.
In this round GM Anish Giri was the only other player to score a win. He
beat GM Shak Mamedyarov with the white pieces and has 50 percent
score now. Read more about the 6th round in ChessBase. The 7th round
will be played today with the game Eljanov-Carlsen.Follow the games live
on ChessBomb from 1.30 p.m.
Photo:Alina L’Ami