Garching:6th place in the German Teamchampionships in blitz

Yesterday, my german team, SG Leipzig, participated in the
German Team Championships in blitz in Garching in
Bavaria. Our team competed with 25 other teams
from Germany over the blitz crown. We started the
tournament with a solid 2-2 against Aachen who ended
up in 5th place.In the next rounds we had a fine phase,
beating the strong Bundesliga team Solingen with 3-1.
In this match FM Roland Voigt and FM Stephan Rausch
impressed with solid victories over GM Ralf Appel and
GM Artur Jusupov.Then we beat Schott Mainz 4-0, where
I had my best game of the tournament smashing strong GM
Eric Lobron as white in a Modern game. We made a 2-2
draw against Werder Bremen. Here FM Roland Voigt again
impressed by beating strong hot shot, GM Matthias Blübaum.
After this we had some problems, going down to Schwerin
and Erfurter SK: We held a 4th place when the lunch break
followed. Bayern Munich held the lead.After the break we
also had some good moments, beating local rivals SG 1871
Löberitz and Green Weiss Dresden, but some hard losses
to Elberfelder and Hannover made it impossible for us to
reach top 5 which would have meant qualifying for the
next year`s tournament. Finishing  in 6th place was a bit
disappointing, but the competition was hard, and new
opportunities will come. Roland scored 19 points after
ending up beating czech IM Konopka. I scored 12,5
points on board 2, 50 percent, acceptable, but I felt I could have
scored more, but it was tough opposition.
On board 3 IM Hannes Langrock made 14 points
after beating some strong players like IM Marco Baldauf
in Pang Rosenheim. On board 4 team leader FM Stephan
Rausch made fine 15,5 points, beating Jusupov in the
start phase. Bayern Munich won the tournament With
45 points and is German Team champion in blitz.
SF Berlin 1903 was second with 43 points.SG 1868
Solingen was third with 42 team points,nine more
then Leipzig. After the tournament we had a nice
trip with train back to Leipzig, which included
watching Wolfsburg beating Dortmund 3-1 in
the German cup final.

Here we see Stephan (left) beating Jusupov. Next to him we see Hannes
and Roland before the match started.

Roland made a very fine performance.Here he is involved in a hard fight with
GM Slavko Cicak

In the other matches many crazy situations happened, pieces ended up
on the floor! Roland experienced the same thing when he had a time
scramble against GM Michael Bezold from Bayern Munich which he
unfortunately lost when his pieces fell from the chess board onto the floor.
Read the report from tournament director Ralph Alt.Read also Stephan`s
report on the homepage of SG Leipzig.

Leffi nummer 9 i Limburg

GM Leif Erlend Johannessen (t.v.) var i nederlandske Limburg i pinsen
og deltok i Limburg Open. Leffi scoret 5 poeng på de 7 rundene og
det holdt til en 9.plass. Noe overraskende var det GM Ruud Janssen
som gikk til topps med 5,5 poeng, på bedre kvalitet enn fire andre spillere,
blant dem GM Sipke Ernst, GM Benjamin Bok og GM Bartosz Socko.