The Batavia-tournament in
Amsterdam is underway.
This tournament consists of
matches and the new thing
is that they play two blitz
games (5 3) before
the classical game starts.If it
stands 1-1 after the two
blitz games the players
will play an armageddon game.
One would think the
blunders would come
in the blitz games, but
in this case, the blunder
came in the classical game.
We will take look at the classical
game between the experienced
Dutch grandmaster John Van
der Wiel and the German
FM Felix Meissner.
We join the game after Meissner`s
move 9.-e5.
The position in Van der Wiel-
Meissner after 9.-e5:
In this position Van Wiel
thought for six minutes
before he played 10.Bxd8??
(10.Qd3 g5 11.Bg3 Bg7=)
Total blackout. Black replied
10.-exd4 and after 11.Ba5 dxc3
12.Bxc3 black just had a
piece extra for a pawn.
Van Wiel fought on til move
36 before he resigned.0-1.
And Meissner got 2 points
for his win in this classical
A terrible blunder from his
opponent who used to play
the likes of Gary Kasparov
and Anatoly Karpov in the
in Wijk aan Zee in the late
80s and the 90s.
Folllow the tournament
live on ChessBomb.
The final takes place
on Sunday.