Here are some results on Tuesday. 1.IM Juri Krupenski won Karlstad Open scoring 7 points after 8 rounds. FM Simon Silseth, Kim Nygren, CM Svein Rishovd and Isak Sjøberg followed with 6 points.Read more on Chess-Results.SWE. Or Karlstads Schackførenings hemsida.
2. IM Raphael Lagunow has won the Erfurter Meisterturnier.He ha more Sonnenborn Berger points then number 2.FM Karsten Schulz.Both scored 6,5 points in 8 rounds. FM Adrian Gschnitzer was third with 6 points. Read more on Chess-Results.GER.
3.IM Hannes Langrock from Nickelhutte Aue won the Neijahrsblitz in Zwickau on 27.December.He had more Sonnenborn Berger points in the A-Final then team mate IM Gunter Spiess. FM Vitaly Promyshlyanskyy from Tarrasch Nurnberg took 3rd place. Read more at