Chess-News on Sunday

Here are some chess-news on Sunday.
1.GM Erik Blomqvist won the Swedish Chess
Championship in Eskilstuna scoring 6,5 points
in 9 rounds. GM Tiger Hillarp Persson and GM
Pia Cramling followed with 5,5 points.Read
more on Inte bara Schack, Lars Grahns Chess Blog.
2.GM Matthew J.Turner is the new Scottish champion,
having scored 7 points in 9 rounds in the tournament
in Edinburgh.FM Ritvars Reimanis from Latvia and
GM Daniel Gormally from England followed with
7 and 6,5 points.The tournament was open for players
from other tournaments.
3.Korean IM Jose Collados Camacho won the 2019
South Wales International Open after scoring 7 points
in 9 rounds. GM Boris Chatalbashev from Denmark
and GM Oleg Korneev from Spain followed with
the same points as the winner, but with fewer Sonnenborn
Berger points.The tournament was played in Bridgend.

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