Einar Lauritzen (right) from Kristiansand is back in Paleohora. He won
in the 1st round. Most of the other Norwegians like FM Ørnulf Stubberud,
Brede A.Hagen and Øystein Bøyum Fossum also won. The surprise was
that the top seed GM Hristos Banikas dropt a draw against home player
with 1786.The 2nd round will be played tomorrow morning. Saturday is
double round.The live games and live streaming will hopefully be ready
tomorrow morning. The 2nd round starts 10.00 greek time – 9.00 Norwegian
Ikaros:Prohaszka wins
Hungarian GM Peter Prohaszka (right) has won the 38th Ikaros International
Chess Tournament after his win in the 8th round against a 2215-player.
Prohaszka has 8 points (!) and a rating performance of 3055 so far. The
last round will be played tomorrow. Prohaszka has white against a Belgian
FM with 2268.
Iransk Superliga: Tari vant
IM Aryan Tari (t.v.) vant sitt parti for klubben Sipa da 1.runde av den
iranske superligaen ble spilt i kveld. Norgesmester Tari – som spiller på
2.bord – slo Arash Tahbaz (2296) da Sipa slo Donya felez Rasht 3,5-0,5.
Berlin:Four players in the lead
IM Drazen Muse (left) is one of four players in the lead in Werner-Ott-Open
in Berlin. Muse has 5 points after the 6th round and has black against
FM Martin Brüdigam in the 7th round today.GM Rene Stern has also 5
points and white against IM Ulf Von Herman who has the same point score.
ESTCC:Böhnisch wins again
FM Manfred Böhnisch (left) secured a fine win as white against FM Klaus
Opl as SF Leipzig beat Wien 75+ 3-1 in the European Senior Team Chess
Championship.Joachim Hollstein from Fortuna Leipzig made a solid draw against
Preben Sørensen as his team Stiftung BSW-DBAG II won 2,5-1,5 against
Denmark.GM Lothar Vogt rested today after his schock defeat yesterday
to a much lower rated Danish player. His team Eppingen played 2-2 against
Bielefeld.After the 5th round Israel and Sankt Petersburg lead with 9 team
Points. They will play eachother tomorrow.Follow this and three other
matches live from 10.00 tomorrow.
The picture shows Manfred as white against Dr.Robert Böhm in the Oberliga
match SG Leipzig-Hoyerswerda in Schwarzkollm April 2013.
Palohora Open: Hva kan Stubberud få til?
FM Ørnulf Stubberud (t.v.) er tilbake på Kreta. I år spiller han Paleohora
International som innledes i Paleohora i morgen. Det er en nirunders
åpen GM-turnering med over 200 deltagere. GM Hristos Banikas er som
så ofte før toppseedet, men vil få kamp om seieren av blant annet GM
Alberto David og GM Andrey Rychagov.GM Spyridon Skembris er som
vanlig på plass når det er sommersjakk på Kreta, men vil vel neppe kunne
nå helt til topps denne gangen heller. Følg med hjemmesiden og Chess-
Results.1.runde spilles i morgen kl.17.30 gresk tid.
ESTCC:Böhnisch matchwinner for Leipzig
FM Manfred Böhnisch (left) was matchwinner for SF Leipzig in the 3rd
round of the European Senior Team Championship in Vienna. Manfred
beat Pim Ghijsen (2182). FM Manfred Schöneberg also made a draw.
Leipzig beat Oranje aus Holland 2,5-1,5.Today Leipzig plays against
Sankt Petersburg in the 4th round.This match is now live. The games started
Jyväskylä:Kiik har 2 av 2
IM Kalle Kiik – her i spill mot WGM Olga Dolzhikova i Harstad i fjor –
har innledet Heart of Finland-turneringen i Jyväskylä med 2 av 2.
Det samme har favoritten GM Kaido Kulaots. Følg med på denne turneringen
på Chess-Results og på hjemmesiden der det er livepartier..Turneringen
avsluttes med 9.runde søndag.
Vienna: Leipzig wins
FM Manfre Schöneberg (right) won for SF Leipzig in the 2nd round of
the ESTCC in Vienna.He beat Heinz Kratschmer as SF Leipzig won
2,5-1,5 against Steiermarkt. and has 2 victories so far.We also mention
that Joachim Hollstein from Fortuna Leipzig made a fine draw against
IM Edwin Bhend as his team Stiftung BSW-DSAG II lost 1-3 against
Switzerland.Italy leads after two rounds with 4 teampoints and 8 individual
Points.Follow the 3rd round live now – started 10.00.
Nederland: Giri er nederlandsk mester
GM Anish Giri har vunnet det nederlandske
mesterskapet. Giri scoret 5,5 av 7 og vant
suverent foran GM Loek Van Wely på 4,5
og GM Robin Van Kampen på 4.Anne Haast
vant dameklassen.