Leipzig:Fortuna Blitz heute Abend

Heute Abend arrangieren Hartmut Didt (links), Stefan Göttert und die
anderen Spieler von Fortuna Leipzig eine neue Runde in dem Blitz Grand
Prix. Es wird auch heute in Karinas Treff gespielt, ab 19 Uhr geht es los in
der Rotfuchsstraße.

Narvik vant KM i Harstad

Narvik 1 med Mikael Rølvåg (t.v.), Torben Søraas, Birk Anders Rølvåg
og Magnus Aanstad vant Kretsmesterskapet for lag for Troms og Nordre
med 10 lagpoeng på 5 runder, altså full pott. Narvik er dermed
klare for den nordnorske lagfinalen i februar.Tromsø 2 og Harstad fulgte
på de neste plassene-

Tata Steel: Magnus victor

World Champion Magnus Carlsen (right) was under pressure in the last
round game in Tata Steel, but in the end he managed to hold the draw
against GM Ivan Saric. With this draw Magnus won the tournament with
9 points from 13 rounds. Congratulation! GM Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
won against GM Fabiano Caruana in the last round and grabbed second
place with 8,5 points. GM Anish Giri was third with the same points as
Vachier-Lagrave, but had fewer Sonnenborg-Berger points.GM Wesley
So and GM Liren Ding followed on the Next places. These guys also had
8,5 points.Magnus Carlsen earned 3 Points from this tournament. Magnus
will rest one weak and then play the Grenke Chess Classics in Baden-Baden
in Germany. He will meet GM Vishy Anand with white in the 1st round on
Monday 2nd February. Read the final report from the Tata Steel tournament
on ChessBase.
Photo: Alina l’Ami