Leipzig: FM Roland Voigt wins blitz

FM Roland Voigt (right) – here in play against Manuel Feige from USG
Chemnitz in the Oberliga Ost in January 2014 – won the Silvesterblitz
in Leipzig om Monday 29.December. Roland scored 17,5 points in 19
rounds. Congratulation, Roland! The tournament was played with a
Swiss system. FM Thomas Schubert took second place  with 14,5 points
and Norman Schütze  came third with 13,5 points.32 players participated.

Zwickau: Womacka gewann Neujahrsblitz

GM Matthias Womacka (links) -hier im Spiel gegen FM Wilfrid Wernert
bei dem Oberligaspiel SG Leipzig 2-USG Chemnitz in Januar 2014 –
gewann das Neujahrsblitz in Zwickau in Sachsen. Auf den Rängen folgten
IM Gunter Spieß und Erwin Böhm.