GM Magnus Carlsen had to fight hard to secure a draw
against GM Vladimir Kramnik in the 9th round of the
candidates tournament in London. Kramnik used a prep-
aration in the catalan to secure an opening advantage.
In the middlegame he snatches a pawn, but by good defence
Magnus managed to secure a draw. Since Aronian lost to
Gelfand Magnus is now leading alone with 6 points,
followed by Aronian on 5,5 and Kramnik on 5.This round
also gave victory for Ivanchuk who won over Radjabov who
is struggling now. The last game between Svidler and Grischuk
endet draw after a big fight.Today is restday. That means
the 10th round will be played on Wednesday at 15.00 (3.p.m).
The games will be Carlsen-Gelfand, Aronian-Ivanchuk,Grischuk-
Kramnik and Radjabov-Svidler.Follow the games on the homepage
or on ChessBomb. Read the report from yesterday`s round
on ChessBase.
Foto:Ray Morris-Hill–carlsen-survives-kramnik-aronian-loses-260313.aspx
Jenbach wins the Austrian Bundesliga
GM Peter Acs from Hungary won his
last game of the season for his club
SK Sparkasse Jenbach. The team from
Tirol finished the season with a 3-3-draw
against SK Hohenems.Jenbach got
21 team points and won with big margin
before SK MPÖ Maria Saal (16) and
with SK Advisory Invest Baden taking
the bronze with 15 teampoints.Play
through all of the games from this weekend
on the first link and read more about the
last weekend`s play on the homepage of the
Austrian Chess Federation.
London: Udramatisk remis i toppmøtet
GM Magnus Carlsen (t.v.) spilte remis i toppoppgjøret i
8.runde av kandidatturneringen i London. Magnus spilte
katalansk og fikk ikke til noen verdens ting. Dette er en
åpning som ikke passer Magnus særlig godt og remisen
var derfor ingen stor bombe. Magnus og Aronian beholder
ledelsen med 5,5 poeng, men Kramnik følger kun ett poeng
bak etter sin første seier i turneringen – mot Svidler.Partiene
Radjabov-Gelfand og Ivanchuk-Grischuk endte 0-1.I dag
kl.15 har Magnus svart mot Kramnik. Dette er trolig det
vanskeligste partiet til Magnus i denne turneringen og remis
vil være et meget godt resultat for nordmannen.De andre
partiene i denne runden er Gelfand-Aronian, Svidler-Grischuk
og Ivanchuk-Radjabov. Følg 9.runde live på hjemmesiden
eller hos ChessBomb. Les også runderapport fra 8.runde hos
TWIC og Chessbase.
Foto:Ray Morris-Hill–kramnik-gelfand-grischuk-win-240313.aspx
Favorittseire på Fagernes
IM Petter Haugli og hans klubbkamerat i Moss, GM Normunds Miezis
vant begge da åpningsrunden av det åpne NM på Fagernes gikk av
stabelen i går ettermiddag/kveld. I dag møtes de to i et parti der Miezis
vil ha fordelen av å føre de hvite brikkene. GM Aloyzas Kveinys og Stian
Johansen var andre mossinger som vant i dag. GM Eduardas Rozentalis
måtte avgi remis mot Jo Kristian Løberg.FM Kristian Stuvik Holm måtte også
avgi remis i åpningsrunden – mot Snorre Rygg. Les mer på Bergens Schakklub.
2.runde kan følges live hos Live Chess Norway i dag fra kl.13.30.
SG Leipzig steht im Halbfinale des Pokals
Die Mannschaft von SG Leipzig hat auch stark bei dem Viertelfinale
Der Deutschen Pokal-Mannschaftsmeisterschaft gespielt. Die Spieler aus der
Messestadt hat SG AE Magdeburg mit 2,5-1,5 geschlagen. Bei dem Sieg
gewann FM Thomas Gempe (im schwarzem Pulli mit weissen Streifen) und
Andreas Schultz. FM Roland Voigt spielte remis. FM Hendrik Hoffmann
verlor auf dem ersten Brett.Jetzt hat SG Leipzig einen Platz in der Finalrunde
erreicht. Hier stehen auch der deutsche Meister OSG Baden-Baden, SG
Porz und SG Kreuzberg. Die Endrunde findet am Wochenende 8.-9.Juni
statt. Alle Partien werden live im Internet übertragen.Bei der ausgezeichneten
Homepage der SG Leipzig könnt ihr mehr lesen.
SG Leipzig gewinnt gegen Hoyerswerda im Pokal
FM Roland Voigt hat für SG Leipzig im 1/8-Finale in der deutschen
Pokalmannschaftsmeisterschaft in Hoyerswerda gewonnen. Voigt bezwang
Günther Jahnel. FM Hendrik Hoffmann gewann am 2.Brett gegen Klaus-Dieter
Kesik. Andreas Schultz und FM Thomas Gempe spielten remis.Damit hat
SG Leipzig Hoyerswerda mit 3-1 besiegt.Heute treffen die Messestädtler auf
Aufbau Elbe Magdeburg im 1/4-Finale. Schau auf der Homepage der SG Leipzig
um weitere Informationen zu bekommen.
Narvik møter SK 96 lørdag 6.april
Mikael Rølvåg og hans klubbkamerater i Narvik møter SK 96 fra Bergen
i kvalifiseringskamp til eliteserien. Det er nå bestemt at kampen skal spilles
lørdag 6.april i sammenheng med de avsluttende rundene i eliteserien som
foregår i Oslo. Den andre kampen mellom Trondheimsstudentene og
Vålerenga spilles samme dag. Narvik og Trondheimsstudentene har fordel
av hvit på 1.bord.
Løsning på lørdagsnøtta
Her er løsningen på lørdagsnøtta.Kosteniuk-Muzychuk:1.Ta3+! holder remis.Poenget er 1.-Ke2 2.Txf3! Kxf3 patt
eller 1.-Td3 2.Ta2 Td4 3.Ta3+ Ke2 4.Kg3 Tf4 5.Ta2+ Ke1 6.Ta1+ Ke2 7.Ta2+ Ke3 8.Ta3+ Ke4 9.Ta4+ Ke5
10.Txf4 gxf4 11.Kxf3 remis.I partiet skjedde som sagt 1.Txg5? f2 2.Kg2 Td1 3.Tg3+ Ke2 0-1.
London; Magnus drew Radjabov
GM Magnus Carlsen had to fight to make a draw in
the 7th round of the candidates tournament in London.
Magnus was in trouble in this game and had to sacrifice
the exchange to avoid a mating attack from his opponent
GM Teimour Radjabov. Radjabov, who was in time trouble,
did not find the best path and settled for a draw through
repetition. Magnus is still leading with 5 points since his
main rival GM Levon Aronian had to settle for a draw with
white against GM Alexander Grischuk.Aronian shares the
lead with Magnus. Today the two leaders will meet in a game
where Carlsen has the advantage of the white pieces.
The games Gelfand-Kramnik and Ivanchuk-Svidler ended
draw. Gelfand had a remarkable opportunity to launch a
winning attack with 19.Ng5! but missed this opportunity.
Kramnik and Svidler have 3,5 points, Grischuk and Radjabov
3 while Ivanchuk and Gelfand are last in the standings with 2,5
points.The other games in the 8.round will be Kramnik-Svidler,
Radjabov-Gelfand and Grischuk-Ivanchuk.Follow live games
on the homepage from 3.p.m. (15.00) or on ChessBomb.
Read the report from yesterday`s round on TWIC or ChessBase.
Foto:Ray Morris-Hill–mercy-was-the-constant-230313.aspx
Kveinys won Mallorca Masters
Grandmaster Aloyzas Kveinys from Lithuanien won the Mallorca Masters
with 7 points after drawing the last round meeting with IM Benjamin
Bujisho (FRA 2372). IM Angel Lopez Arribas (ESP 2478) with 6,5 points.
IM Daniel Esteban Forcen (ESP 2469) was third. He also gained 6,5