London; Magnus drew Radjabov

Carlsen slet mot Radjabov i syvende runde.
   GM Magnus Carlsen had to fight to make a draw in
  the 7th round of the candidates tournament in London.
  Magnus was in trouble in this game and had to sacrifice
  the exchange to avoid a mating attack from his opponent
 GM Teimour Radjabov. Radjabov, who was in time trouble,
did not find the best path and settled for a draw through
repetition. Magnus is still leading with 5 points since his
main rival GM Levon Aronian had to settle for a draw with
white against GM Alexander Grischuk.Aronian shares the
lead with Magnus. Today the two leaders will meet in a game
where Carlsen has the advantage of the white pieces.
The games Gelfand-Kramnik and Ivanchuk-Svidler ended
draw. Gelfand had a remarkable opportunity to launch a
winning attack with 19.Ng5! but missed this opportunity.
Kramnik and Svidler have 3,5 points, Grischuk and Radjabov
3 while Ivanchuk and Gelfand are last in the standings with 2,5
points.The other games in the 8.round will be Kramnik-Svidler,
Radjabov-Gelfand and Grischuk-Ivanchuk.Follow live games
on the homepage from 3.p.m. (15.00) or on ChessBomb.
Read the report from yesterday`s round on TWIC or ChessBase.
Foto:Ray Morris-Hill–mercy-was-the-constant-230313.aspx

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