Here are some Chess-News on Saturday. 1.Ju Wenjun is the new Woman World Champion after beating Tan 5,5-4,5.The last game in Shanghai ended in a draw.2. FM Johannes Paul from Aufbau Elbe Magdeburg is the new champion of Sachsen Anhalt.He took the title despite losing to number 2 Gedeon Hartge,from Halle.Robert Stein from Løberitz secured 3rd place.3.Lars Grahn who many years made an excellent job with the swedish Schacknytt is irritated that Swedish Chessfederation does not link to his chess blog. I am disappointed in Lasse that he took away the link to my blog.That was after my father bought two of his books about Bent Larsen.
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Utakk er verdens lønn! Men Larsen-bøkene var fine!