Pål Røyset (left) sacrificed an exchange against Julian Nöldner.
Nöldner could have forced a draw in this game from the 4th round
of the Äskulap-Turnier in Görlitz.But Nöldner went for the win and
Pål could counter him down. Pål now has 3,5 points and will face
a title player in the next round at 15.00.
I beat Hugo Post With the 3.Bb5-system that I beat Trond Romsdal
With in a rapid tournament in Alta 2007. Hugo equalized, but I went
for gold in the endgame by letting my king og over the board. Hugo
could have made a draw many times, but after 49.-a5?? I capitalized.
A very important victory. I hope I can build on this win in the next
round this afternoon.
Norbert Bauer (left) from Torgelow-Drögeheid is a nice acquintance
With whom I played in 2015. Later we went out for dinner, discussing
our drawn game. Norbert actually should have won that Bogo-Indian duell
Three years ago. In this round he played IM Virginijus Dambrauskas
from Lithuanien. Next to Dambrauskas we can see IM Oleg Krionosov
who has had a tournament with draws against lower rated players,
exactly like me.
A nice breakfast here in the Parkhotel gave us energy to show
our best.In some hours, the chess Knights from Norway will go on
new adventures here in the chessmetropol Görlitz.