Here are some chess-News from tournaments in the World.
1.GM Parham Magsoodloo,Iran, won the Fajr-Cup in Teheran
with 7,5 points in 9 rounds.He goes over 2600 in elo.
It was Magsoodloo`s third big victory in the last weeks.
IM Amin Tabatabaei and GM Pavel Pankratov followed
with 6,5 points in 2nd and 3rd place.
2.The Serbian grandmaster Aleksandar Indjic won the
Portuguese Open in Lissabon after scoring 7,5 points
after 9 rounds.On 2nd and 3rd Places, also scoring 7,5
points came the Russians GM Anton Demchenko and IM
Nikita Petrov.FM Eivind Olav Risting was the best
Norwegian player scoring 6 points and finishing as number
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