Cap D’agde: Karpov beat Vaisser

Exworldchampion Anatoly Karpov won
the against GM Anatoly Vaisser
10,5-9,5 after winning the last two games
in the blitz section yesterday. Vaisser
shocked Karpov by winning Three of the
first games in the blitz, leading the match
9,5-8,5, but Karpov managed to win the
last two games, thereby securing the
match victory. Despite winning the match,
Karpov`s overall performance is far from
impressive. He failed to find a good way
to use his time. He also found it hard to
win as black in the nimzo Indian defence.
Although he won 10,5-9,5 the players
won the same amount of games,five, but
Karpov`s victories in rapid chess counted
two points while Vaisser blitz victories only
gave him 1 point for each victory. So
Vaisser can be satisfied with what he
managed against a higher rated opponent.
Karpov got many answers, and  must seriously
try to improve his preparation for his NeXT
match.Play through all the games at ChessBomb

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