Tallinn:Andreikin wins blitz

Yesterday the European blitz chess championship finished in
Tallinn in Estonia. Holger Blauhut from Fredriksstad Schackselskap
scored 13 points in the 26 rounds, making it 50 percent. Holger
ended up as number 235 among 510 players. Not that bad.Almost as
expected based on his ranking.
The Russian GM Dmitry Andreikin won the tournament scoring 22
points, distancing number 2, GM Rauf Mamedov from Azerbadjan
with 1,5 points. GM Serge Zhigalko from Belarus was third.
I scored 14,5 points after having lost, the last two games against a
latvian FM.I ended up as number 158, a little behind my ranking as
number 148.I was simply playing too badly in time scramble,losing
three important duells after pushing too hard and being punished.

In this picture we see a duell between two young ladies. The story
does not tell who actually won this game…

After two days with many exciting blitz games it was time to travel
back to Norway. I guess one can say that Grandmaster Paul Keres
was honoured in fine style at his 100 year jubileum.
It was a nice tournament and I might play again next year. Next year
the European blitz and rapid championship will be played in Katowice
in Polen from 14th to 18 December.

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