Grandmaster Levon Aronian could smile after he beat
GM Hikaru Nakamura in the 7th round of the Sinquefield
Cup in St.Louis. Aronian got a fine position as black
in a Ruy Lopez. He gradually outplayed Nakamura and
after 51 moves Nakamura resigned in a rook endgame
with two pawns less. Aronian has 5 points and lead
with 1 points. His rival, World Champion Magnus Carlsen,
pushed to hard in an endgame and lost. Magnus could
probably have saved the draw with 63.Kd2, but with
little time on the clock he went wrong and lost.A hard
loss for Magnus who really shows weaknesses with the
white pieces in this tournament. The games Caruana-
Vachier-Lagrave, Topalov-Giri and Anand-So ended
draws.Carlsen, Giri, Grischuk and Vachier-Lagrave
follow on 4 Points.Read the round report in ChessBase.
Follow the 8the round live at ChessBomb at 20.00.
The games are Aronian-Anand, Carlsen-Nakamura,
Grischuk-Vachier-Lagrave, Giri-Caruana and So-Topalov.
Photo:Austin Fuller