Yesterday our team, SG Leipzig,
played Erfurter SK in the 6th
round of the 2,Bundesliga.
We needed points to get
away from the bottom of
the table.
Things began ok with a
draw for FM Matthias
Liedtke on Board 8 against
IM Christian Troyke. I did
not see much of the game
before they had agreed a draw.
Then I think FM Wilfrid Wernert
lost on Board 4. He played a
variation of the French defence
against the strong GM Peter Enders.
But white got in a f5-push and
the grandmaster won the game after
some more moves, Then IM Heiko
Machelett played a draw on Board 2
against his old teammate GM Petr
Haba. Here I was told from Heiko
that he made a draw offer in a position
where Haba was better, but was a
bit pressed on time. The Czech
accepted the draw offer. The match
was stil alive as FM Stephan Rausch
on board 7 and IM Hannes Langrock on
board 3 had fine positions. It was a very
exciting game on board 5 where Leonard
Richter attacked IM Thomas Casper.
Both players spent much time. On board 6
IM Matthias Müller had an advantage on board
and clock against me. On board 1 FM Roland Voigt
offered a pawn against GM Jan Votava as white
in an Alapin sicilian (2.c3) and had to fight for a
draw. Then after some time Leonard lost
as his rook sacrifice gave no mating attack, and we
were down 2,5-0,5. Then I won my game after my
opponent made a mistake and gave me rook for bishop.
He then resigned. Then Stephan made a draw. The
analysis after the game showed that Stephan looked
to have a win with Kh6 in a bishop ending against IM
Olaf Heinzel. The next game to finish was IM Hannes
Langrock against Franz Bräuer. Hannes had a strong
attack which he concluded to a victory. Then the match
was standing 3,5-3,5. But Roland had a very difficult
task in a rook and bishop ending with one pawn down.
In the end grandmaster Jan Votava pushed home the
game and Erfurter SK won 4,5-3,5 and now lead the
table with 10 match points. We lie in the bottom with
2 points. The next three rounds will be played on home
soil in Leipzig in the end of January. We probably need 3-4
points against Nickelhütte Aue, Pang Rosenheim and
MSA Zugzwang to have a chance to survive. Three teams
will be relegated to the Oberliga in February.
Here are some pictures from Sunday:
1st Board:FM Roland Voigt-GM Jan Votava, 0-1.
Board 2:GM Petr Haba-IM Heiko Machelett, draw
Board 3:IM Hannes Langrock-Franz Bräuer, 1-0.
Board 4:GM Peter Enders-FM Wilfrid Wernert, 1-0.
Board 5:Leonard Richter-IM Thomas Casper, 0-1.
Board 6:IM Matthias Müller-CM Joachim Solberg, 0-1.
Board 7:FM Stephan Rausch-IM Olaf Heinzel, draw.
Board 8:IM Christian Troyke-FM Matthias Liedtke, draw.
Check out all the results here.
En kuriositet ad bord 4:
Visste ikke at Bård Standal hadde
en dobbeltgjenger i Tyskland.
Ved første øyekast trodde jeg at
det var sjakkspilleren fra Tønsberg
som satt der