Grandmaster Normunds Miezis started good as the Finnish League
started at the weekend. He won against IM Kalle Kiik (EST 2392)
on Saturday as his team Aatos beat Sal SK 4-2. On Sunday Miezis played
a draw against IM Mateusz Kolosowski (POL 2469). Aatos lost this match
against TuTS with 2-4. After the first two rounds of the season JyS, Jyväskylä
leads with 4 team points.MatSK 1, Espoo has 3 points.TuTS,Turku has 2
points in 3rd place on better individual points then Aatos in 4th place.
1 kommentar
Så fin blogg du har:) vist du har lyst kan du stikke innom min:)