Grandmaster Normunds Miezis will play in the Latvian Championship
Final which starts in Riga tomorrow.Normunds is the 3rd seed behind
GM-collegues Igor Kovalenko and Arturs Neiksans. Grandmasters Evgeny
Sveshnikov and Ilmars Starostits will also take part. 32 players will
participate in this tournament.Follow the tournament on Chess-Results.
The 1st round starts tomorrow evening at 6.p.m. (18.00).The ninth and
last round will be played on Monday 5.May at 11 o`clock.
2 kommentarer
Herlig blogg du har! Håper du har hatt en fin start på den nye uka 🙂
Takk for goord. Uken har vært fint! Håper din inngang til uken var fin.