Khanty-Mansiysk: Anand missed the win

Exworldchampion Vishy Anand missed some fine winning chances in today`s 12th round
game against GM Dmitry Andreikin.With 37.Bd2! – a move that was not hard to see –
Anand could have clinched victory and almost secured the tournament victory. But he
played 37.Qf3 and the game soon ended in repetition and a draw.The games Mamedyarov-
Karjakin and Aronian-Kramnik ended in decent draws. GM Veselin Topalov won against GM
Peter Svidler. Friday is rest day. Before the 13th round on Saturday Anand leads with 7,5
points. Then follows Aronian with 6,5 points and Mamedyarov and Karjakin with 6 points.
In the next round the pairings will be Karjakin-Anand, Andreikin-Aronian, Svidler-Mamedyarov
and Kramnik-Topalov.Follow the games live from 10 a.m. (10.00) on the homepage or on
ChessBomb. Read the round report from today`s games in Chessbase.Photo:organizer

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