Magnus won the Zürich-blitz

Magnus Carlsen under lynsjakkturneringen.
 World Champion Magnus Carlsen seemed a bit rusty
in the start of yesterday`s blitz tournament in Zürich, but
after beating Anand and Nakamura in the last round he
won with 3 points out of 5, with better quality then
Aronian. Magnus gets three white games in the main
tournament which starts in the swiss  city today. The 1st
round meetings are like this: Carlsen-Gelfand, Aronian-Anand
and Nakamura-Caruana. The first round start 3. p.m.
(15.00) and there will be live broadcast on the homepage,
or on Chessbomb. will cover everything live.
Read the report on Chessvibes.
Foto:Mads Nyborg Støstad/NRK

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