Travemünder Open continues

The 3rd round of Travemünder Open continued this morning. There was
much fighting chess on the topboards.

Fritz Fegebank (right) from Hamburg has participated in all the thirty Opens
here in Travemünde! Impressive! Here he plays against a young player
who was not born when the first Open  in Travemünde took place in 1984!

The organizers here represented by Rüdiger Schäfer (left) and Rüdiger
Pflaum in the middle. Today things are going more smoothly and the results
are on the homepage.

Schachhaus Mädler has a stand in the Ostsee-Akademie. Many interesting
books to choose from. I would bet they sell a lot of books these days in

I managed to win my game in the 3.round against Tobias Sturm (2057) from
Delmenhorster SK. I have 3 points. The next round starts 15.30.

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