Chennai: Magnus won the 5th game

Carlsen slo Anand i femte matchparti.
  GM Magnus Carlsen won the 5h game of the World Champion-
shipmatch against World Champion. Magnus got a tiny edge after
the opening – a semi slav. Magnus pressured in the middlegame
and endgame without queens.With 45.-Rc1? Anand committed
the last mistake and lost. 45.-Ra1! would have kept the balance
and probably have given him the draw. After 58 moves Anand
resigned. Magnus now leads the match 3-2. He will now have
two black games. Today he plays black in the sixth game.
The sixth game starts at 10.30 a.m (10.30) norsk tid.
Follow this game live on the homepage, ChessBomb or NRK.
Foto:Anastasya Karlovich

2 kommentarer

    1. I dagens parti holder vel Anan remis ved å gå til a1 istedet for a8 ? Sjakkene holder vel sort konge borte?

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