Baden-Baden leads the Bundeslga

Last weekend the strongest chess league
in the world, the German Bundeliga started.
Defending chempion OSC Baden-Baden
won both their matches and is the only
team with 4 teampoints. Griesheim is
second with 3 points. In their opening
match Saturday against König Tegel from
Berlin, we shall see how GM Kacper Piorun
could combinate against GM Robert Rabiega,
the well known blitz-expert. We shall join
the game after white`s 26th move.
Position in the game Piorun-Rabiega
after 26.Rd3 (Td3):

Here Rabiega made a blunder and played
26.-c5?? How did Piorun exploit this error?
27.Rxd4! (Txd4) and black resigned.1-0.
In the diagram black had to play 26.-Rxd6!
27.exd6 e5! and he has a fine position with
a strong and central knight and two pawns
against white`s rook.Griesheim won this
match 6,5-1,5. Rabiega revenged himself
on Sunday when he beat GM Sebastien
Maze from Viernheim. This match ended
4-4.Piorun on his side played a draw
against GM Martin Krämer from SF Berlin.
Tegel made a 4-4 draw in this Berlin-derby.
The next rounds in the Bundesliga will
be played the weekend 23.-24.November.
Play through all the livegames on the link

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