Miezis won in Västerås

Grandmaster Normunds Miezis likes to play in Sweden. This weekend
he won the Västerås Open in convincing style. Normunds beat the Swedish
 GMs Emanuel Berg, Stellan Brynell and Tiger Hillarp Persson in the last
three rounds to win alone with 7,5 points in 8 rounds. Miezis cashed out
10 000 swedish krones! His eloperformance was 2760! Miezis earned 18
elopoints and is now unofficially on 2564.GM Jurij Solodovnichenko took
second place with 7 points while the Swede FM Anton Frisk Kockum was
third with 6,5 points.Kockum who played for Moss SK in Eliteserien some
years ago finished beating the German FM Jürgen Brüstkern.

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