Grandmaster Vlastimil Jansa (CZE 2442) is in fighting mood in Pardubice
Open. Jansa has 3,5 points from five round after winning three games.
Today he plays black against the Polnish grandmaster Pawel Jaracz.
Four players lead with 4,5 points, among them the home player Laznicka.
These four will meet each other today.
WIM Olga Vrublevskaya (RUS 2156) is facing tough opposition in the A-group,
but won yesterday against WIM Klaudia Kulon (POL 2258). Today Olga who
now has 2 points has black against Abishek Kelkar (IND 2274).Her husbond
GM Evgeny E.Vorobiov (RUS 2585) has 3,5 points and faces an IM today.
Their son Ivan Vorobiov has 2 points in the D-group. FM Boris Furman who
sits opposite Olga has 3 points in the B-group, not playing a big tournament.
I could also mention that CM Abdulla M. Muhsen (2203) from Bergens has
2 points in the A-group and has played strong with win against an FM and
draws against IMs Eesha Karavade (IND 2398) and Ruediger Seger (GER 2393).
The sixth round starts today at 3.p.m. (15.00). Follow the results on Chess-Results
and follow about 40 live games on the homepage.