The American grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura could smile after a convincing victory against
GM Sergey Karjakin in the 3rd round of the Tal Memorial. Nakamura played 5.Bd2 against
the Grünfeld and early got an advantage which he converted. Nakamura is one of four
players sharing the lead with 2 out of 3. Another player having 2 points is GM Fabiano
Caruana. The hardworking italian grandmaster beat world number one GM Magnus Carlsen
who had a bad day. Magnus made some errors in a drawish endgame and lost.Gelfand
and Mamedyarov are also part of the leader group. Half a point behind the leaders are
Carlsen and world champion Anand who won against Morozevich.Sunday is a rest day.
The 4th round will start Monday at 1.p.m. (13.00 CET). The lineup will be:Morozevich-Kramnik,
Karjakin-Mamedyarov, Caruana-Nakamura, Andreikin-Carlsen and Anand-Gelfand.
Read the report from yesterday`s round in Chessbase.