Alex on Top 30 blog list

The Macedonian Gradmaster, Author,
Chess Blogger and Trainer, GM Alex
Colovic is on the 19th place in the Top 30
Chess Blog list in Feedspot. Colovic
who recently played in the Macedonian
Olympiad team in Baku, scoring 7 points
in 10 rounds, has been writing his blog three
years. Alex has been a grandmaster since
2013 and plays active in more European
Chess league. His blog analyses the most
important chess tournaments in the world.
He writes about 3 blog posts in the week.
He has also written some chessbooks, among
them the Simplest Scnadinavian.3.-Qd8.
ChessVibes was considered the best blog/chess followed on place 2 while
Susan Polgar took 3rd place.


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