Karsten beats Thomas

GM Karsten Müller has the last
years produced many interesting
Chessbase DVDs which focuses
on the Endgame in chess.
The Hamburger-GM has also had his own weakly
chess show with guests on Chessbase
the last years. He writes interesting
chess books and one of the last one about
Chess types was written together with
young Hamburg GM Luis Engel and
can be bought here.
In his younger days Karsten was a very
strong GM. In the German championship
in Gladenbach in 1997 he took second
place with 6,5 points, half a point behind
GM Matthias Wahls.
We check Karsten`s finish against GM Thomas
Luther rom the last round.We join the game
Müller-Luther after black`s 37.-h4:

We are witness to a very tough fight with both
players fighting to get in the decisive stroke.
Karsten strikes first 38.Re5! Qd3 39.Rh5 Rf8
39.-Qxd4 30.Bxd4 also gives white a clear edge.
40.Qe5! Threatens the pawn on e6 and white
has now made the time control. Re8 41.Rxh4
41.Qd6! was perhaps even stronger with a dominating
advantage for white.Nxc3 42.Dd6! Kb7 43.Dc5!
Threatens 44.Qb6+ and wins the bishop.Kc7
44.Qb6+ Kd7 45.Qa7+ Kd8 46.Th7! and black gave
up as he can not avoid mate on c7 or b7.A very fine
attack from Karsten Müller.1-0.
Play through more of the games from the German
championship in chess 1997 in Gladenbach here.
You can buy Müller and Engels chess book Spielertypen
or The human factor in chess here.

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