There was some drama as the German Bundesliga continued this weekend.
The German Number 1, GM Arkadij Najditsch, turned a lost position to a
win against GM Lubomir Ftacnik and contributed to OSG Baden Baden`s
8-0-victory over Hamburger SK. Baden-Baden is yet again champion in
Germany as the hardest rival Werder Bremen only managed 4-4 against
SF Berlin today. IM Aryan Tari won for his club Hansa Dortmund. Tari
won as black against IM Peter Meister and contributed to Dortmund`s
6,5-1,5-victory against Bayern München.The last round will be played
tomorrow and the most important question is if Mülheim Nord or SF Berlin
will escape relegation. Follow the last round at 10 a.m. (10.00) live on
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