Today I am in Aue to play 2.Bundesliga with my German
team, SG Leipzig. The games started 2 p.m.
Our 1st board player FM Roland Voigt got problems
early in his game against GM Martin Petr from Bindlach
Aktionär.Roland was suddenly a piece down.
After some hours play he had to resign.
On 2nd Board IM Heikko Machelett played
white against GM Petr Neuman. It was a duell
in the Slav. The game ended pretty soon in a draw.
On Board 3 IM Pavel Cech became an edge against
our IM Hannes Langrock. Hannes fought good and
should have drawn the rook ending with two pawns
down, but a big mistake cost him the game.
FM Wilfrid Wernert soon got in trouble against FM
Felix Stips, but after his opponent played unprecise,
Wifrid made a draw. Then Leonard Richter made a
solid draw with black against FM Jan Krensing.
On Board 6 I tried 1.d4, but I got nothing
as white in a Grünfeld against Andreas Wetscherek (2356).
After 48 moves the game ended with a perpetual check
in a Queen ending. On Board 7 FM Stephan Rausch
got into serious problems in the middlegame and
lost after about 3 hours play. On the last Board we
got our only victory as FM Matthias Liedtke won
after a nice combination with white against Oliver Zier.
We lost 5-3 but it really fealt like we had few chances
today. Hopefully we can Bounce back against Erfurt
tomorrow. We lie in 9th place in the table, Erfurt
is in 2nd place after 4,5-3,5 victory today after IM
Troyke got the winning point for his team.
Here are some pictures.
The school we played in in Aue.FM Stephan Rausch is walking towards
the entrance door.
1st Board: GM Martin Petr-FM Roland Voigt, 1-0. Roland played his
Modern defence, but soon gave a piece. The compensation was not
good enough and Roland lost.
2nd Board: IM Heikko Machelett-GM Petr Neuman, draw. The game
ended in a pretty quick draw after the players played some theory moves
in the Slav defence.
3rd Board: IM Pavel Cech-IM Hannes Langrock, 1-0. Hannes fought very
good with two pawns down, but in a drawish position he made an error
which cost him the draw.
4th Board:FM Wilfrid Wernert-FM Felix Stips, draw. Stips pressed with
two passed pawns in the middle of the board, but after some errors
Wilfrid managed to save the draw in a endgame with bishop and two pawns
against rook and one pawn.
5th Board:FM Jan Krensing-Leonard Richter, draw.Leo defended with
the Kings Indian Defence. His opponent played the g3-variation. After
what I could see Leo played active and good. He is making a fine season
in the 2.Bundesliga.
Board 6:Solberg-Wetscherek, draw. We played 48 moves before I took
the Perpetual checks in a position I believed was better for my opponent.
But it seemed in balance according to Houdini.
7th Board: FM Gerald Loew-FM Stephan Rausch, 1-0. Loew got an
edge in a Tarrasch. In the middle game he found the Qd4-move which gave
him the initiative. He got a dangerous initiative with a passed pawn on the
Queen side which won him the game.
8th Board: FM Matthias Liedtke-Oliver Zier, 1-0. Zier defended with the
French defence. It was a complicated game. Matthias fought good and it
looked to me as he made a fine combination on c6 which won him the game.
IM Christian Troyke won as black against Christoph Peil. He was the
match winner for Erfurt who beat Aue 4,5-3,5.
Frank Jäger from Turm Leipzig is chess judge this weekend in Aue.
He is doing a fine job.
The 6th round starts tomorrow at 10.00. We will play against Erfurt. Check
the results here.