FM Stephan Rausch from SG Leipzig
participated in the Open Bavarian
Championships in Bad Wiessee. Here
he managed to beat GM Eduardas
Rozentalis from Lithuania. We will take
a look at the game where Stephan plays
black.Rozentalis-Rausch:1.e4 e6 Rausch
is an expert in French.2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4
Rausch chooses the Winawer variation.
A popular variation also played by a 2600-
player like GM Simen Agdestein. 4.exd5
The Exchange variation.Not really such a
harmeless variation. Strong players
like GM Viktor Korchnoi and my clubmate in
SG Leipzig, IM Heiko Machelett,used it to beat
Vaganian and Siedentopf.exd5
5.Bd3 Nf6 Stephan varies from the Korchnoi-
Vaganian-game from Skellefteå 1989 which
continued 5.-c6 6.Bf4 Ne7 7.Qh5!? and white
got a strong attack and 1-0 after 62 moves.
6.Bg5 Nc6. More usual is 6.-0-0 or 6.-c6.
7.Nge2 Be6 8.0-0 Qd7!? Stephan signalizes
his ambitions to castle queenside and
attack on the kingside.9.Bb5?! Here 9.f4!
was better with an edge for white.0-0-0
10.Nf4 h6 11.Bxf6 gxf6 The position in
the game Rozentalis-Rausch after 11.-gxf6:
12.Nd3?! Only helps black bishop get a
fine position on d6.12.a3 was better.
Bd6 13.Na4 Trying to get a strong Knight
on c5.Bxh2+!? Stephan has nothing to lose
and goes all inn.14.Kxh2 Qd6+ 15.Kg1 Nxd4
16.Nc3 Rhg8!? Taking an eye on the g2-spot.
17.Ne1 Qf4 18.Ne2?? A terrible blunder.
After 18.Be2! White is still better.
The position in Rozentalis-Rausch after 18.Ne2:
How did Stephan kill the game?
18.-Rxg2+! Off course he sacrifices the
rook. 19.Kxg2 (19.Nxg2 Nf3+ 20.Kh1 Qh2
mate) Nxe2 20.Rg1 (20.Qxe2 Rg8 + is
soon mate) Rg8+ 21.Kf1 Nxg1 22.Ng2 Qh2
and the grandmaster had had enough.0-1.
A very fine attacking game from the
Fide-Master from Leipzig.
Final position in the game Rozentalis-Rausch:
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