Tonight I played some interesting 2 0-blitz on
ICC.I will show a position from my game
against the Swedish IM Björn Ahlander.
The Position in the game Ahlander-Solberg
after 15.Nc2:
How should black continue here?
15.-Re8! A small killer. Björn is in deep
shit here. 16.0-0-0 Dxa2?! Not so good.
16.-Bf5! should kill the game immediately.
17.Dd3 c5 18.Le2? g6! Threatens Bf5.
19.Bf3 (19.g4 Nxg4 is also 0-1) Bf5! 20.Qxf5
gxf5 and although he could have resigned
in this poor position where I had more then
one minute on the clock, Björn dragged the
game out another 20 moves.After 43 moves
he lost on time in a dead lost position.0-1
Position in Ahlander-Solberg after 20.-gxf5
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