Chess-news on Thursday

Chess-news on Thursday.

1.GM Max Warnerdam has won the Dutch Open with 8 points of 9.

Open NK 2023

2.GM Magnus Carlsen equalized the 1/16-final of the Fide World Cup in Baku today.Play off on Friday send the games live


Chess-news on Tuesday

Here is a chess-news on Tuesday.

1.Kerim Karakol won 3 Sandhauser Schachsommer.He scored 6 points in 7 rounds.

Chess-news on Monday

Chess-news on Monday.

1.FM Markus Hahn won the Nordhausen Open with 6 points in 7 rounds.IM Cliff Wichmann and IM Ferenc Langheinrich took 2nd and 3rd place.They also scored 6 points.

2 GM Magnus Carlsen beat GM Aryan Tari 1,5-0,5 in the 1/32-final of the Fide World Cup in Baku.On Tuesday Magnus plays GM Vincent Keymer in the 1/16-final.

Koellner til topps

IM Ruben-Gideon Koellner vant Unterlaender Schachtage.Han scoret 6 poeng på de 7 rundene.Sjekk alle resultater på siden under.