Løsning på lørdagsnøttene

Her er løsningene på lørdagsnøttene.
Nøtt 1.Lawson-Jameson:1.Txf6! Tc2+
2.Kd1 Txg2 3.Txf7 Tg1+ 4.Ke2.
.Nøtt 2.McNab-Le Roux:1.Txg6+! Kh7
2.Tg7+ Kh8 3.Sf5 T8e6
og partiet endte
remis.2.Df6! hadde vunnet: 2.-Lxd4
3.Dxf7 Kh8 4.Lg7+! og svart er ferdig.
Nøtt 3:Berkes-Raja:1.Sf5+! Kxg6 2.Tg3 Kh5
3.Sg7+ Kh6 4.Txf6+! Kxg7 5.Sxh7+!. 1-0.

Haria wins Pula Open

Ravi Haria vant Pula Open 2018
The British IM Ravi Haria with the pocal conforming
that he has won the Pula Open 2018. Haria scored
7 points in 9 rounds. He had more Sonnenborn Berger
points then number 2, IM Szymon Gumularz from
Polen and GM Daniel Howard Fernandez from England.
Øystein Bøyum Fossum and Fredrik Aunan Lindsøe
was the best Norwegian players scoring 5,5 points.
Alena Ayzenberg earned over 40 elopoints. She
drew the Croatian GM Nenad Fercec in the 1st round.