Odd Erling Mikalsen (t.v.) vant onsdagens Nyttårslyn i Alta SK.
Mikalsen vant alle sine ti partier.Avgjørelsen falt i praksis da han
slo Andrê Nielsen i finalen i 4.runde. Andrè fikk 9 poeng.Nils Henrik
Nilsen tok 3.plass med 7 poeng. Totalt deltok 20 spillere i denne
Nyttårslynsjakken. Neste uke starter klubbmesterskapet.
Hønefoss:Rune innledet med seier
Rune Myhrvold er en av favorittene i klubbmesterskapet i Hønefoss
Sjakklubb. Rune måtte slite lenge i 1.runde for å hull på Kolbin-Albin
Johansen.Åpningsrunden gav ellers seire til mange av forhåndsfavorittene
som Kjell Håkon Lien, Raymond Boger, Roy Kvamme og Roger
Østebø. FM Vegar Koi Gandrud og Arnbjørn Dyrdal er to andre
favoritter som fikk utsatt sitt første parti i går kveld.Det skal spilles
ni runder Monrad før en mester er klar i midten av mai.
FM-tittelen bekreftet
Fra og med i dag kan jeg titulere meg FM Joachim Solberg. En
drøm er gått i oppfyllelse. Etter mange års ørkenvandring er jeg
endelig kommet med i klubben blant FMene. Det betyr at det nok
kan bli en aldri så liten feiring i kveld.
Foto:Shemsi Rukovci
Najditsch plays in New Delhi
GM Arkadij Najditsch (left) who represents Azerbadsjan plays in
the 16th Delhi International which started today.In the first round
he plays black against Varshini. This game has started. Follow it
live in ChessBomb. Other top names are Tivjakov, Gupta, Tukhaev
and Yuri Solo. The tournament goes over 10 rounds til 16.January.
Chess News on Tuesday
Here are results from some international tournaments.
1.In Hamburg the New Chess Brain tournaments have finished.
In the A-Group IM Georgios Souleidis won the round robin,
Berger-gruop, with 7,5 points in 9 rounds.FM Emil Schmidek
from SF Berlin was second with 6,5 points and he took an
IM-norm.Luis Engel was third with 5,5 points. In the
B-Group IM Michael Kopylov from Norderstedt was best
with 7 points.Jakob Pfreund from Königsspringer was second
with 6,5 points. He also scored an IM-norm.The Danish IM
Klaus Berg was third with 6 points.
2.GM Vladislav Nevednichy beat GM Kiril Georgiev in the last
round of the White Tower tournament in Thessaloniki and secured
himself tournament victory with 7,5 points after the 9 rounds.
GM David Maghalashvili and GM Nikola Nestorovic followed on
the next places with 7 points each.
Rapport wins Vergani Cup
Hungarian Super-GM Richard Rapport has won the
Vergani Cup in Villorba in Italy. The Hungarian GM
Scored 7 points in 9 rounds.GMs Ferenc Berkes, Baadur
Jovava and Anton Korobov followed on 6,5 points.
GM Aloyzas Kveinys who plays often in Norway came
in 5th place with 6 points.IM Nicolai Getz represented
Norway and scored 5 points.He lost to Rapport in the
last round with black. Getz had an elo performance of 2346
losing 9 points.
Photo:Grenke Chess Classic
Moro plays in Tula
Grandmaster Alexander Morozevich plays in the 4th Starodubtsevs
Memorial in Tula. He has started with 1,5 Points after 3 rounds,
starting with a loss to Domogev, drawing Zwaginsev and beating
Yagupov in the 3rd round. He has white against Balashov in the
4th round. There will be played 6 rounds today and the last three
tomorrow. Then all players will have met eachother in a round
robin tournament. Follow the tournament live on ChessBomb.
Haug og co til Praha Open
FM Johannes Haug (t.h.) fra Nordstrand deltar i Praha Open som
starter i den tsjekkiske hovedstaden fredag.IM Sebastian Mihajlov,
FM Tor Fredrik Kaasen, FM Eivind O.Risting og FM Lucas Ranaldi
er andre norske tittelholdere som deltar.Den russiske GM Petr Kiriakov
topper rangeringslisten med sine 2528. Den islandske GM Hannes
Stefansson deltar også. Det skal spilles ni runder før turneringen
er ferdig fredag 19.januar.
Chess-News on Sunday
I will bring some tournament news here on the blog today.
1.17 year old GM Parham Maghsoodloo from Iran won the
Mumbai Open with 8 points in 9 rounds.GM Alberto
David from Italy and GM Timur Gareyev from USA
took the next places with 7,5 points.
2.The Bulgarian GM Boris Chatalbashev has
won the Basel Open after scoring 7 points in
9 rounds. German GM Andreas Heimann and
Swiss GM Vadim Milov also scored 7 points in
place 2 and 3.
3.GM Vadim Shishkin defended his favourite
role in Untergrombach Open in Germany,
Shishkin scored 6,5 Points in 7 rounds.
FM Peter Zuse and Oliver Prestel followed
on 5,5 points each.
Simen vant hurtigsjakk-NM
GM Simen Agdestein (t.v.) viste styrke under helgens hurtig-NM i
Drammen. Han scoret 9 av 10 og gav bare remis mot toer GM Jon
Ludvig Hammer og IM Timofey Galinsky.Hammer måtte avgi enda
en remis og med 8,5 ble det sølv.GM Berge Østenstad tok bronse med
7,5 etter seier mot nevnte Galinsky i sluttrunden. GM Kjetil A.Lie, GM
Torbjørn R.Hansen og FM Benjamin Haldorsen tok også 7,5 poeng
men hadde dårligere kvalitet.Men helgen tilhører Agdestein som tok
dobbel med seier i lyn-NM fredag og hurtig-NM fredag og lørdag.