Heraklion 2017. Hvit trekker og vinner.
Løsningen kommer onsdag.
Løsningen på mandagsnøtta
Her er løsningen på mandagsnøtta.D.Maghashvili-E.Duran:1.Dxe5! 1-0.
Möhn vant Chemnitz Open
Den unge FM Hans Möhn (t.h.) fra Dresden gikk til topps i Chemnitzer
Sparkassen Open.Han scoret 6,5 poeng på de 7 rundene.Möhn avga
bare remis mot IM Cliff Wichmann som også gikk i mål med 6,5 poeng,
men med dårligere kvalitet enn vinneren. FM Thomas Schunk fra
SG Leipzig tok 3.plass med 5,5 poeng.Les mer hos Sachsen Schach-
Virtanen is Finnish champion
Teemu Virtanen is the new Finnish Champion. He scored 4,5 points
in the main tournament. The same score was achieved by IM Mika
Kartunene. Virtanen won the play off 2-0.The players played two games
with time control 20 minutes with 10 second increment for each move.
Photo:Toivo Pudas
Baltic Zonal tournament: Neiksans leads
Today the 5th round of the Baltic Zonal Tournament was played
in Liepaja.GM Arturs Neiksans (left) played a short draw as black
against GM Aloyzas Kveinys. That means Arturs leads alone with
4 points, with four rounds left to play.Kveinys is joint 2nd with 3,5
points. Another player with connection to Norway is GM Normunds
Miezis. He played several seasonsfor Moss Chessclub in Eliteserien.
Today he played a long draw as white against IM Vladimir Sveshnikov.
Normunds has 3 points. Tuesday will se the second double round.
The games start 10.00 and 16.00 local time. In the 6th round Neiksans
has white against IM Toms Kantans. Miezis plays white against Kveinys.
Follow live on ChessBomb.
Ordu Open 2017. Hvit trekker og vinner.
Løsningen kommer tirsdag.
Løsning på søndagsnøtta
Her er løsningen på søndagsnøtta.Wang Hao-Sethuraman:1.Sd6! 1-0.
Ward vant Stjernesommer langsjakk NGP
FM Ward Al-Tarbosh (t.h.) gikk til topps i Stjernesommer langsjakk
NGP i helgen.Al-Tarbosh vant alle sine seks partier. Ludy Helsio
Sousa ble nummer 2 med 5 poeng mens Mads Vestby-Ellingsen
knep tredje plass med 4 poeng. Dette var den siste turneringen i
Maxim wins in Teplice
Grandmaster Maxim Turov (right) won the Teplice Open in the Czech
Republic. The Russian grandmaster won against GM Kamil Dragun
from Polen in the final round to end up as single winner on 7,5 points
after 9 rounds.GM Dragun,GM Nabaty, GM Stocek, GM Rausis and
GM Lagarde followed on the next places with 7 points, also getting
big prize money.Play through the last round games here.
Søndagsnøtta.Wang Hao-Sethuraman,
Sharjah 2017. Hvit trekker og vinner.Løsningen
kommer mandag.