Alta: Erlend vant julelyn

FM Erlend Mikalsen (t.v.) vant Julelyn i Alta SK i går kveld. Kun fire
spillere stilte til start på Thon hotell denne førjulskvelden. Erlend vant
alle sine seks partier – det ble spilt dobbeltrunde.Ingrid Greibrokk fulgte
på 2.plass med 4 poeng.Søster Maria greibrokk knep 3.plass med 2 poeng
mens Birger Pedersen måtte gå tomhendt hjem denne spillekvelden.

2.Bundesliga: Difficult weekend for SG Leipzig

FM Roland Voigt (right) played some fine chess at last weekend`s
2.Bundesliga matches in Aue.On Saturday he pushed hard for a win
against GM Gabor Pap from the organizer Nickelhütte Aue. Roland
deserved a win, but in the end he had to settle for a draw despite
having had good winning at some stages.SG Leipzig lost narrowly with
3,5-4,5 but it was a decent team effort which had deserved a point.

The captain, FM Stephan Rausch (right) had a winning position against
FM Sebastian Eichler, but sadly let it drop to a threefold repetition. Stephan
made a decent 1 out of 2 after drawing against Bindlach on Sunday.

IM Hannes Langrock (left) played strong on board 2, here drawing the
Hungarian 2600-player, GM Peter Prohaszka as black.

Roland played black against GM Falko Bindrich on Sunday. At some
stage it seemed to go towards an eventless draw, but the game surely
exploded at some stage and both players had their chances. But in the
end it ended draw.

Leonard Richter (right) played a solid draw as white in a French
Winaver. Opponent IM Pavel Cech from Bindlach got few chances.
Leonard has a fine potential, surely having great chances to become IM
in relatively short time. 1 point this weekend shows he has taken this
level. Impressing!

Andreas Schultz (right) made a fine season debut, making 1 point in
2 games. Here he plays a draw against Andreas Wetscherek. Andreas also
fought bravely on Saturday getting a draw from a difficult position. Schultz
is a great team player who always gives 110 percent or more. Respect!

The DDR-champion from 1972 in Görlitz, FM Manfred Schöneberg also
made a fine effort with draws against IM Gunter Spieß on Saturday and
IM Gavin Wall on Sunday. Manfred displayed some excellent chess
understanding at the weekend. Sadly we lost the match 3-5 after Thomas
and I lost our games.

Now we lie in the bottom of the 2.Bundesliga Ost-table, battling it out
With Aufbau Elbe Magdeburg and SF Neuberg to try and save the place.
The next match will be played on Sunday 31.January at home against
Magdeburg. Let us hope it will be a win for SG Leipzig.

Heiko back in the 1.Bundesliga

At the weekend there were new rounds in the 1.Bundesliga in Germany.
IM Heiko Machelett (right) made his seasondebut for his new club
Erfurter SK. Heiko made a draw as black in French against GM Krysztof
Jakubowski on Saturday,Erfurter SK played 4-4 against SF Berlin 1903.
On Sunday Heiko lost as white against GM Marcin Dzuba. Heiko
castled kingside and had good prospects had he played 17.g4, but he
chose another continuation. After 26.Rc2 he was in big trouble and some
moves later he lost.Erfurter SK lost this important match 3,5-4,5.
Heiko will probably come back stronger in the next rounds. Perhaps he
can also win a game?

Fortuna Leipzig besiegt Zwickau

Fortuna Leipzig gewann am Sonntag 5,5-2,5 gegen Zwickau in der 1.
Landesklasse Staffel B.Stefan Göttert (links) und Hubert Werner haben
beide ihre Partien gewonnen.Fortuna steht aktuell auf dem 6.Platz in
der Tabelle.17.Januar findet das nächste Spiel statt, ein Auswärtsspiel
gegen Chemnitz.Steffen Hoffmann hat wieder eine Erzählung veröffentlicht,
die heisst Unsere Nerven, Jochen!