Riga Open:Shirov wins

Grandmaster Alexei Shirov won Riga
Open on homeground.Shirov scored 7,5
points and had more Sonnenborn Berger
Points then number 2, GM Robert Hovhan-
nisiyan.GM Rinat Jumabayev and GM
Igor Kovalenko followed on the next
places with 7 points in 9 rounds..Tor
Fredrik Kaasen was the best Norwegian
player with 4 point. Eivind Olav Risting
lost his three first games and withdraw
from the tournament. His poor form
continued in Nordstrand GP where he
ended among the last players.

Faaker See Open: Schunk Nummer 7

Fide-Meister Thomas Schunk (links) machte ein gutes Ergebnis in Faaker
See Open in Latschach in Ôsterreich. Schunk machte 6,5 Punkte in 9
Runden. Er besiegte FM Dr.Franz Riegelmoser in der 8.Runde.FM Stephan
Rausch machte 5,5 Punkte und wurde Nummer 14. Rausch verlor 20 Elo-
Punkte und  ist sicher unzufrieden mit seinem Ergebnis.GM Vadim Malakh
atko gewann mit 7,5 Punkten. Der Deutsche GM Matthias Womacka hatte
auch 7,5 Punkte aber schlechtere Wertung.

Vienna:Petter started with victory

IM Petter Haugli (right) won his 1st round game in Vienna Open. Petter
met MK Lukas Prüll, who I used to meet in blitz when I studied in Salzburg
the spring 2003. Petter will meet a lower rated player in the 2nd round.
Most of the other Norwgian titleholders won. Vidar Taksrud made a fine
draw against an Austrian IM with black.Follow the 2nd round live Sunday
from 3 p.m. (15.00).The picture shows Petter in action in the last round of
Politiken Cup 2015 in a game which ended draw against a Swede rated
around 2100.