FM Hendrik Hoffmann from SG Leipzig will play in the Christmas tournament in Litomysl in the Czech Republich. The tournament starts on Friday 26. December. The 9th and last round will be played Friday 2.January.
Reyk Schäfer from SG 1871 Löberitz will also play in Litomysl. 77 players are so far registered. IM Mikhail Demidov (2517) from Russia is the topseeded player.
FM Hendrik Hoffmann (rechts) – auf dem Bild im Spiel bei der Sachsen- meisterschaft in Blitzschach 2014 – hat das Gohlis-Cup 2014 mit 36 Punkten gewonnen.Gratulation, Hendrik! Auf den Rängen folgten FM Thomas Schunk und FM Roland Voigt.Mehr dazu auf der Homepage der SG Leipzig.
The German Number 1, GM Arkadij Najditsch (left) is the topseeded player in the 38.Zürcher Weihnachtsopen. The tournament starts on Friday 26.Dec- ember and finishes on Tuesday 30.December with the 7th roound.The strong Hungarian GM Richard Rapport will also play in Swiss chessmetropol.
GM Evgeny Postny (right) won Zadar Open in Croatien with 7 points in 9 rounds in the coasttown in Croatien.The turkish IMs Ogulcan Kanmazalp and Burak Firat followed in the nexy places with 6,5 points.The photo is taken in Rethymno Open 2010 and shows Postny in a game against GM Misa Pap.
IM Petter Haugli vil delta i Karlstad Open som starter 26.desember. Turneringen spilles over 7 runder i den svenske byen.GM Stellan Brynell er toppseedet, men vi følger selvfølgelig også Haugli, GM Thomas Ernst, Svein Rishovd og de øvrige deltagerne. Det blir trolig livepartier fra toppbordene.
GM Maxim Turov and his wife IM Irina Turova will both play in the Rilton Cup which starts 27.December.The tournament has 9 rounds and finishes on Monday 5.January.GM Ilia Smirin (ISR 2644) is the top seed.GMs Romanov and Hammer will be there to challenge him.