Sochi: Remis i det 4.VM-parti

Verdensmester Magnus Carlsen greide ikke å vinne med
hvit i det 4.partiet. Magnus spilte 3.g3 mot inderens sicilianske
forsvar. Magnus fikk ikke all verdens fordel og partiet ebbet
ut i remis ved evig sjakk etter 47 trekk. Utvilsomt en stor
psykologisk seier for utfordreren som virker i best slag i
denne fasen av VM-kampen i Sochi. Stillingen etter fire
partier er 2-2.Det 5.partiet spilles fredag kl.13 med Anand
som hvit og kan følges live på hjemmesiden eller hos
ChessBomb. Les rapporten fra dagens runde hos ChessBase.

Rausch beats Rozentalis

FM Stephan Rausch from SG Leipzig
participated in the Open Bavarian
Championships in Bad Wiessee. Here
he managed to beat GM Eduardas
Rozentalis from Lithuania. We will take
a look at the game where Stephan plays
black.Rozentalis-Rausch:1.e4 e6 Rausch
is an expert in French.2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4
Rausch chooses the Winawer variation.
A popular variation also played by a 2600-
player like GM Simen Agdestein. 4.exd5
The Exchange variation.Not really such a
harmeless variation. Strong players
like GM Viktor Korchnoi and my clubmate in
SG Leipzig, IM Heiko Machelett,used it to beat
Vaganian and Siedentopf.exd5
5.Bd3 Nf6 Stephan varies from the Korchnoi-
Vaganian-game from Skellefteå 1989 which
continued 5.-c6 6.Bf4 Ne7 7.Qh5!? and white
got a strong attack and 1-0 after 62 moves.
6.Bg5 Nc6. More usual is 6.-0-0 or 6.-c6.
7.Nge2 Be6 8.0-0 Qd7
!? Stephan signalizes
his ambitions to castle queenside and
attack  on the kingside.9.Bb5?! Here 9.f4!
was better with an edge for white.0-0-0
10.Nf4 h6 11.Bxf6 gxf6
The position in
the game Rozentalis-Rausch after 11.-gxf6

12.Nd3?! Only helps black bishop get a
fine position on d6.12.a3 was better.
Bd6 13.Na4 Trying to get a strong Knight
on c5.Bxh2+!? Stephan has nothing to lose
and goes all inn.14.Kxh2 Qd6+ 15.Kg1 Nxd4
16.Nc3 Rhg8!? Taking an eye on the g2-spot.
17.Ne1 Qf4 18.Ne2?? A terrible blunder.
After 18.Be2! White is still better.
The position in Rozentalis-Rausch after 18.Ne2:

How did Stephan kill the game?
18.-Rxg2+! Off course he sacrifices the
rook. 19.Kxg2 (19.Nxg2 Nf3+ 20.Kh1 Qh2
mate) Nxe2 20.Rg1 (20.Qxe2 Rg8 + is
soon mate) Rg8+ 21.Kf1 Nxg1 22.Ng2 Qh2
and the grandmaster had had enough.0-1.
A very fine attacking game from the
Fide-Master from Leipzig.
Final position in the game Rozentalis-Rausch: