GM Vladimir Georgiev has started the Albena 2014-tournament with
2,5 points from the first 3 rounds. Today the 4th round will be played.
The Norwegian fried Georgiev – plays for Nordstrand – will have the white
pieces against GM Ivan Cheparinov. Eigth men leads with 3 points.Among
them GM Axel Bachmann. The 4th round starts today at 14.00 Norwegian
time. Follow 10 games live on the homepage.
Norway Chess: Caruana only winner
Grandmaster Fabiano Caruana from Italy was the only winner in the 1st
round of Norway Chess yesterday. He beat GM Alexander Grischuk who
blundered in time trouble.The games Karjakin-Topalov, Aronian-Agdestein,
Carlsen-Giri and Svidler-Kramnik all ended with draw. Agdestein had a
comfortable edge against Aronian, but with little time left he chose to
secure the draw. A fine start for Simen! World Champion Magnus Carlsen
got little from the opening against Giri. He sacrificed the exchange, but
never really came close to victory. The pairings for today`s 2nd round will
be Kramnik-Carlsen, Agdestein-Giri, Caruana-Svidler, Topalov-Grischuk
and Aronian-Karjakin. The games will be shown live on the homepage or
ChessBomb from 3.30 p.m. (15.30). Read the 1st round report in Chessbase.
Combination.Laznicka-Konopka, Czech
League 2014. White moves and wins. The
solution follows on Wednesday.
Løsning på mandagsnøtta
Her er løsningen på mandagsnøtta.Cernousek-Cyborowski:1.Lh3! Ta8 2.Txc8 Txc8
3.Lxd7 1-0.
Sarajevo: Gleizerov plays strong
Russian GM Evgeny Gleizerov plays good chess in the Bosna 2014
tournament.He has started with 4 points in the first 5 rounds. He is half
a point behind the leader GM Aleksandr Rakhamanov.The 6th round
starts today at 16.00. Live games can be followed on the homepage.
tsjekkisk liga 204. Hvit trekker og vinner.
Løsningen kommer tirsdag.
Iceland: IM Gudmundur Kjartansson is icelandic champion
IM Gudmundur Kjartansson is the new icelandic champion in chess.
He scored 6,5 points in 9 rounds.On the next places followed GM
Hedinn Steingrimsson and GM Hannes H.Stefansson.Ten players
played a Berger-tournament in the Championship-group.
Read more on the homepage.
Chemnitz: Liedtke gewann die Sachsenmeisterschaft
FM Matthias Liedtke gewann die Sachsen Einzelmeisterschaft in Chemnitz.
In der letzten Runde spielte er remis gegen Florian Fuchs. Matthias bekam
5,5 Punkte und hatte bessere Wertung als sein Klubkamerad FM Thomas
Schunk. Gratulation! Rüdiger Kürsten aus Engelsdorf holte den dritten Platz
mit 5 Punkten.
Romanov wins in Wunsiedel
The Russian grandmaster Evgeny Romanov won the Wunsiedel-tournament
after making a quick draw in the last round against GM-colleague Normunds
Miezis.Miezis took the 3rd place. The Bulgarian GM Aleksander Delchev
took second place. Eight players scored 5,5 points from 7 rounds.
Leipzig: Neef gewann BSG Leipzig-Open
FM Maximilian Neef aus USV TU Dresden gewann seine letzte Partie
bei der 5. BSG Leipzig-Open.Durch den Sieg gegen Rene Schildt sicherte
sich Neef den Gesamstsieg mit 6 Punkten.Gratulation! Auf den Rängen
folgten FerencLangheinrich und IM Hannes Langrock mit 5,5 Punkten.