Chess-WC:Preview game 3

Today the 3rd game of the World Championship
match will be played. Champion Magnus Carlsen
visited Stamford Bridge on Sunday and watched
Chelsea-Everton. Magnus got support from archrival
Hikaru Nakamura who roots for Magnus. He means
Challenger GM Fabiano Caruana is too weak in
rapid and blitz to be a World Champion. It would
be strange according to Nakamura.
Here is my preview of the 3rd game.
Opening:Sicilian Rossolimo. The Challenger will
be eager to strike back in “his variation”. He is
acknowledged as the leading expert in the Rossolimo
sicilian and will try and put the tables back where he
means they belong.
Game Development: I presume it will be a hard fought
game. No player will get a definite initiative in this
game. There will be a draw after 42 moves
The moment: No particular moment in this game.
Time trouble will not be a factor in this game.
Result: Draw

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