Chess-Results on Friday

1.GM Andres Vila Rodriguez from Uruguay
has won the Floripa Open in Florianapolis
in Brazil with 8 points in 10 rounds. GM
Alexandr Fier,Brazil, GM Amorim Evandro Barbosa,
Brazil,GM Axel Bachmann, Paraguay and GM Neuris Ramirez
Delgado, Parguay followed with the same score, but
fewer quality points.Check the games in ChessBomb.
2.The Indish GM Laxman Rajaram has won the Chennai
on homesoil with 8 points after 10 rounds. GM
Ivan Bozum from Russia and GM Timur Gareyev from
USA followed on the other places on the podium, also with
8 points. Games in ChessBomb.

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