Chess-News on Sunday

I will bring  some tournament news here on the blog today.
1.17 year old GM Parham Maghsoodloo from Iran won the
Mumbai Open with 8 points in 9 rounds.GM Alberto
David from Italy and GM Timur Gareyev from USA
took the next places with 7,5 points.
2.The Bulgarian GM Boris Chatalbashev has
won the Basel Open after scoring 7 points in
9 rounds. German GM Andreas Heimann and
Swiss GM Vadim Milov also scored 7 points in
place 2 and 3.
3.GM Vadim Shishkin defended his favourite
role in Untergrombach Open in Germany,
Shishkin scored 6,5 Points in 7 rounds.
FM Peter Zuse and Oliver Prestel followed
on 5,5 points each.

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